Monday, March 23, 2009

Wesley and John Adams

This is Wes and John Adams our Delaware Rooster. Apparently he holds the lowest rank of our four roosters. Joel reported that he went out to pet him earlier this week, and he 'fell over'. (that is never a good sign with an animal) So, we isolated him and found out that he is perfectly healthy but starving since the other roosters wouldn't let him eat! He is doing well now, and we are going to try to find another home for him. The term 'pecking order' has a whole new meaning around here.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ron's home office

One of the great changes since moving to Concord, is having Ron working from his home office.
We all love having him around more often.

Spotlight on Winston

We are so proud of this three year old! One of our goals for the month was to see if he could kick the thumb habit. After three weeks, we are happy to say that he is thumb-free.